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About the Artist & Contact Cathie
Artistic Motifs - Marble Arches, Wisteria tree, Swags, and Border Patterns
Children's Themes - index
Castle with Dragon - Dragon, Galloping knight, Suit of armor, Stone walls, Castle
Gardens - Flower Gardens, with and without Cats and Butterflies
Name Signs & Personalized Rooms - Parisian dressing room, Nome signs for children's bedrooms
Pirates & Tropic Themes - Pirate ship, Ship in cove, Monkey and coconut palm, Beach scene
Rabbit's House - Rabbit reading inside the house, Teddy bears and rabbits playing in the snow outside.
Sports Themes - Sports Shelf, Baseball theme, Name pennant
Other Themes - Princesses, Space, Train, Moons
Trees - Children playing around tree, Hudson's Fort tree house, "Don't Feed the Bears", Family tree
Western - Panels with hat. boots, jackalope and saddle, Rooster in window, Comic horse, Cowboy-Cowgirl
Commercial Signs & Murals - Curves, Gold Rock, Antiques, Stone Creek Cottage, Pony Expresso
Kitchens & Baths - Bath with mural, Mural above stove, Grapevines, Cupboard panels
Trompe L'Oeil and Faux Finishes - Ivy against "marble" wall, Lion fountain, Flowers in pots, Ewer in niche
"Windows" and "Doors" Index - Windows showing outdoor vistas, Doors opening to patios and paths.
Windows page 2 Larger pictures of some of the Windows & Doors murals
Windows page 3 Larger pictures of some more of the Windows & Doors murals
All paintings and photos ©2006-2009 by Cathie Urquhart. Do not copy without consent from Artist. Website Maintenance by Sage Virtual Assistance